Thursday, September 8, 2011

Jones Surname and Haplogroup I

It is clear that those who share the JONES surname do not have a single "common ancestor". There is no "Adam Jones" who started at the beginning, and was the founding father of our surname.

It is also apparent that there are several haplogroups that share the surname JONES. My specific DNA was tested in a group that had at least 275 individuals who had an interest in the surname JONES. [Not sure that all 275 actually carried the surname.] These have been discussed in the post "Those Other Jones", May 20, 2011.

This post is to encourage those who share a common haplogroup to list their family, and identify their DNA lineage. Hopefully, this would allow communication between other JONES families that share this haplogroup.

Haplogroup I [Scandinavian] is the second most common [11%] among those 275 individuals sharing an interest in their DNA. All those "Vikings" I guess? Perhaps even "Norman"? [They started out Vikings!] Anyone of Haplogroup I, please identify yourself. Please use this post and the comment section to share your family connection to the JONES surname.

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